Water Bombers

Product code 978180282146821

Publisher/Brand Key Publishing

Author Gerry Manning

Format 17 x 24 cm

No. Pages 128

Version Soft cover

Language English

Category Aviationbooks

Subcategory Aviationbooks

Availability Product out of stock and no longer available.

Product description

As the climate changes it is even more vital to protect the world's forests. This book looks at both the past and the current selection of aircraft tasked with protecting our natural environment from fire. Covering America, Canada, Russia, southern Europe and others, the operators of these fleets are looked at, along with their aircraft, as they go about their dangerous task. With over 230 images, this book covers all the aircraft types used – World War Two fighters and bombers, piston-powered airliners and cargo aircraft of the 1950s, turboprop aircraft, wide-body jets, custom-built water bombers and helicopters with tanks or under-slung loads.

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